
Cargo Insurance

We can arrange insurance for all shipments including personal effects, vehicles and commercial shipments by sea or airfreight, both international and domestic.

Policies can be either for total loss or damage. These policies also cover any problems in the event of a “general average”. Policies can be arranged for single trip transactions or on a yearly basis, for both imports and exports.

The premiums are based on the cost of the shipment plus freight plus 10%. The percentage will vary depending on the value of the shipment and the requirements of the insurer. We as agents for Associated Marine Insurers Agents Pty Ltd, arrange the policy in our office immediately on application.

Insurance cover is highly recommended for all cargo movements.

Our primary policy is a top of the line facility, which covers warehouse to warehouse, all risks, including war, strike, riot, total loss, damage due to rubbing, denting, scratching and water damage. Alternative covers are available, such as, insurance for total loss only.

Open policy can be arranged so premiums are paid yearly rather than for each consignment. The formula for the calculation of the insurance premium is: –  the purchase cost of the goods plus the ocean freight plus 10 % for incidental costs.

Using the above formula, the premium is calculated on the total insured amount, at the rate of insurance which is normally less than one half percent. A warehouse-to-warehouse cover enables any consignment to be fully insured for any damage or full replacement value without any additional cost to the insured.

Please contact us for further enquiries.

While there is no requirement to have insurance when moving cargo, it is highly recommended due to the wide range of risks that come with transporting products via air and sea, including war, strikes, riots, water damage and more.

The cost of cargo insurance depends on the amount of goods being shipped, whether you want to pay an annual premium, and your shipment plans. Contact our team for a quote.

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